COVID-19 and Anxiety

Coping with Anxiety and Isolation During Covid-19


  • Change your thoughts and words from
  • “I’m stuck inside.”
  • To… I can finally focus on my home and myself

Stay close to your routine:

  • Structure – Develop an organizational structure to manage your time during this pandemic
  • Routine – Keep Your Morning Routine
  • Whether or not you are leaving your house, you should still get up, get dressed, and carry on as usual. Set Work Hours, set a time to help your child with their schoolwork.
  • Adapt – Optimize buy online pick-up in-store (BOPIS) and consider scheduled pick-ups, curbside pick-up, and delivery options to reduce exposure risks further.

Avoid obsessing over endless Corona Virus coverage

  • Create a personal daily time limit for News and Social Media.
  • Create a personal daily time limit for News and Social Media

Clear the clutter 

(A chaotic home can lead to a disorganized mind)

  • Set up mental zones for daily activities:
  • For example, do not eat in bed or work on the sofa just as before, eat at the kitchen table and work at your desk. 

Start a new quarantine ritual:

  • Use this time to enhance and establish healthy habits
  • Inspire your kids with schoolwork
  • Connect with others, be informed, but not overloaded

Get Help

  • Use telehealth as an option to talk to a professional if your anxiety becomes unmanageable 


Counseling, Group Therapy


Licensed Mental Health Provider

Where to get help:

  • Current Providers
  • Insurance Company
  • Primary care Provider


  • Psychology Today
  • Google



24hours a day

Seven days a week