Stress Management

Stress is often defined as a bodily response to the demands of life. But there are also emotional and mental aspects of stress. It is experienced as thoughts and feelings as well as in the body. Another way to define focus could be as an internal and conditioned response to external pressures.

Our Mental Health Professionals (MHP) at DOBI help patients reduce and manage their stress. They also help patients work through other mental health issues that have developed while coping with high levels of stress.

Stress can have physical, mental, and emotional symptoms. Stress affects people on different levels. It can help to identify which parts of we are being affected by stress. Stress can affect people on one level, such as only mentally, or on multiple levels, such as physically and emotionally.

Here are a few tips to help you keep stress at bay:

  • Keep a positive attitude
  • Accept that there are events that you cannot control
  • Be assertive instead of aggressive
  • Learn and practice relaxation techniques; try meditation, yoga, or tai-chi for stress management
  • Exercise regularly
  • Meet with Mental Health Professional (MHP) often as needed
  • Stay on top of your Doctor appointments.